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Innovation in receivables management

Innovation from tradition – Total Digital in receivables management

Since 2003, the atriga IT research and development department has been setting standards for innovation in receivables management
and collection.

  • 2020
    atriga Self Services  

    2020 - Introduction of comprehensive self-service offers for defaulting customers

    atriga is comprehensively developing additional self-service offers for defaulting customers based on the latest technical developments. Among other things, solutions for people with reading and spelling difficulties (dyslexia) are being introduced.

  • 2019
    atriga InfoCenter™ (New Edition)  

    2019 - The atriga InfoCenter™ (New Edition) becomes part of the personalized, fully digital atriga Customer Communication Journey

    For the first time, an online information system for defaulting customers reacts to the individual communication process with the individual person.


    This makes atriga the only company to offer consistently systemically controlled dynamic communication with defaulting customers across all communication channels. The system uses the individual communication behaviour of the defaulting customer and reacts with content-related answers or targeted information (content) to achieve a maximum of personalised communication.


    The atriga Costumer Communication Journey impressively demonstrates what ‘service instead of reminders’ means.

  • 2019
    atriga Automatic Inbound Processing  

    2019 - Use of machine learning and AI in the area of digital inbound leads to accelerated response and improved service for defaulting customers

    Project to extend the automated response to incoming communication (e.g. letter post, fax, e-mail).


    Pattern recognition in the previous processing of incoming communication by clerks (machine learning) to identify decision-making patterns.


    Semantic content recognition (AI) for automated content understanding of incoming communication.

  • 2018
    atriga Contact Center  

    2018 - Replacement and expansion of the existing atriga Contact Center with a highly innovative Contact Center

    The atriga Contact Center will be replaced by a completely new and significantly larger Contact Center.


    Not only the entire equipment, such as hardware and software, is new. The new atriga Contact Center is now structured in such a way that all the technical upheavals and changes in the communication behaviour of defaulting customers that are to be expected in the future can be easily integrated into the ongoing process.


    All real-time bi-directional communication channels are mapped via the new atriga Contact Center (e.g. telephone, chat, messenger).

  • 2017
    atriga Dynamic Contact  

    2017 - Direct contact persons selected according to socio-cultural aspects for defaulting customers in all communication processes.

    The approach is even more customer-friendly and personal, with an agent specifically tailored to the socio-cultural background of the defaulting customer.


    It communicates person to person and no longer an impersonal institution with a defaulting customer.


    The specific approach of atriga, service instead of reminders, can be significantly enhanced by this.

  • 2017
    atriga International  

    2017 - Start of the international deployment of the fully digital atriga receivables management and collection platform.

    The atriga receivables management platform can be used internationally and is available to clients wherever an optimal solution for an efficient, fully digital and customer-friendly dunning process is required.

  • 2016
    atriga Dynamic Language  

    2016 - Language recognition and multilingual communication services across all communication channels

    According to the individual requirements of each portfolio, the necessary language setups are identified and provided by atriga.


    This ensures that the defaulting customer actually understands what is at stake – even if, for example, German is not his native language.

  • 2016
    atriga TOTAL DIGITAL  

    2016 - Completely digitalized dunning process

    The atriga receivables management platform provides the fully digitalized dunning process from the moment a payment disruption occurs.


    With the help of the atriga SaaS / White Label solution, clients can set up their own commercial dunning process completely digitally for the first time and use a maximum of customer friendliness and efficiency for their optimal dunning process.


    This opens up completely new possibilities in the collection process, e.g. for customer retention and cost savings.

  • 2015
    atriga Dynamic Templates  

    2015 - Dunning text templates are replaced by (text) element templates

    The use of (text) element templates instead of dunning text templates across all communication channels is a mandatory prerequisite for the qualified and automated (also interactive) control of highly personalized communication with defaulting customers and thus for the development of an innovative fully digital receivables management and collection platform for international use.


    This comprehensively increases the complexity of the system, as thousands of element templates have to be managed and controlled in the context of international deployment to create tens of thousands of variants.

  • 2015
    atriga Dynamic Content +  

    2015 - Use of modern marketing strategies and scientific research results to optimize communication with the defaulting customer

    The atriga receivables management platform uses modern marketing strategies combined with applicable research results from the fields of behavioural research, behavioural economics, psychology and sociology to optimize communication with the defaulting customer.


    Z. B. Equity theory (Adams), perception research (Kahnemann), dialogue method (Vögele), eye tracking method for determining reading patterns, filters and amplifiers.

  • 2014
    atriga Smart Communication  

    2014 - Interactive communication across all communication channels, systemically controlled

    In order to provide each individual defaulting customer with an optimal customer communication journey, the atriga receivables management platform uses a unique systemically controlled communication across all communication channels.


    In order to avoid the exclusion of underrepresented groups, the control system does without exclusively prognostic communication offers, but also reacts directly to the individual communication behaviour of each customer.

  • 2013
    atriga Digital Inbound  

    2013 - Complete digitization and OCR-supported reading of all incoming communication

    The comprehensive digitization of incoming communication enables innovative approaches for further processing, such as highly automated process assignment and automated response.

  • 2010
    atriga SaaS / White Label Solution  

    2010 - Innovative atriga SaaS / White Label solution for comprehensive optimization of the commercial dunning process

    The innovative atriga receivables management platform enables clients to optimize their own commercial dunning processes, from the occurrence of payment disruptions to the transfer to a service provider.


    Connection and use are very easy and lead to considerable cost savings as well as to the availability of all communication channels, payment method offers and a multilingual language offer.


    The atriga Saas / White Label solution enables the individual realization of all desired dunning strategies.

  • 2010
    atriga Endless Collection  

    2010 - Introduction of the “endless” dunning process

    Process digitization has progressed so far that the high efficiency gain makes it possible to continue dunning proceedings “endlessly” even for unjustified claims. In the medium and long term, this leads to a considerable increase in the success of recovery.

  • 2010
    atriga Dynamic Content  

    2010 - Dynamic content control of communication through scoring, user behaviour etc.

    Tonality and content of the entire dunning communication are optimized on a case-by-case basis using various control parameters.

  • 2009

    2009 - atriga receives innovation award

    The atriga DebitManager™ receives an innovation award.

  • 2008
    atriga QR Codes  

    2008 - Optimization of analog-digital processes

    atriga QR Codes in letters and on postcards enables defaulting customers to quickly access online payment, even from analogue communication channels.

  • 2008
    atriga Web Payment  

    2008 - First online-based payment service

    With “Online Sofortüberweisung” from Telekom (later replaced by SOFORT Überweisung), the defaulting customer can settle the outstanding debt directly online without a system break.

  • 2007
    atriga Action Print  

    2007 - Case-specific dynamic output management

    Systemic print control (cover colour, printing plates, inserts etc.) down to the individual case level.

  • 2005
    atriga Digital Communication  

    2005 - Comprehensive digital communication, e.g. by e-mail, SMS (bidirectional), fax, bank account and digital upgrading of analogue communication channels

    Use of all available digital communication channels.


    Subsequently, further development towards evaluable, controllable and interactive/reactive communication as a prerequisite for a complete digitalization and automation of the entire process, including the control of individual communication contents.


    In addition, to improve user-friendliness and optimize evaluation and control information, digital elements are introduced into the analog communication channels.

  • 2004
    atriga Dynamic Reminder  

    2004 - Dynamized dunning process

    Reminder contents and tonality geared to the circumstances of the claim and the creditor’s wishes with reminder text templates that can be dynamically controlled at the beginning >850.

  • 2003
    atriga InfoCenter™  

    2003 - Interactive real-time online information portal for defaulting customers: The atriga InfoCenter™.

    Defaulting customers can follow the workflow of their procedure in real time, get comprehensive information and interact with atriga.

  • 2003
    atriga DebitManager™  

    2003 - Interactive real-time online information portal for clients

    The atriga DebitManager™ is a groundbreaking web-based information and communication infrastructure.


    Clients can follow work processes in all areas in real time, obtain comprehensive information and interact with atriga.

  • 2003
    atriga BOSS  

    2003 - atriga Back-Office Support System (BOSS) / Specific Contact Center Support System

    Start of the development and productive use of the fully digital atriga receivables management and collection platform.

  • 2003
    atriga foundation  

    2003 - Foundation of atriga GmbH as an industry innovator

    A comprehensive market analysis shows that debt collection and receivables management is only carried out with the help of highly outdated IT solutions. This finding leads to the foundation of atriga GmbH.


    The IT research and development department of atriga GmbH will develop completely new technological solutions, which, through process digitalization, will enable a previously unknown level of efficiency and customer orientation.

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atriga GmbH
Pittlerstr. 47
63225 Langen
+49 (0)6103 3746-999
+49 (0)6103 3746-100