Specific industry solutions for optimal recovery success
Comprehensive industry expertise and innovative IT solutions guarantee individual procedural processes and maximum recovery success.
Telecommunications and cable network operators
Rescuing non-cancelled term contracts in order to preserve assets, treatment of EVN in accordance with data protection law and TKG, objections pursuant to § 45i TKG, cash clearing
We know your needs and actively communicate with your defaulting customers, even if one of the communication channels is no longer available.
We know your needs and actively communicate with your defaulting customers, even if one of the communication channels is no longer available.
Insurance and InsurTechs
The insurance industry is characterized by legal regulation. So it is good to know that atriga, as a partner, not only offers legally compliant solutions for sensitive and delicate data areas. atriga has many years of expertise and knows the right communication processes for a customer relationship-preserving handling of payment disruptions - digitally, innovatively and highly efficiently.
Other sectors
No matter where the outstanding receivables come from, from mobile to online to card-based payment procedures at the point of sale: liquidity is important!
This is what atriga stands for: the relationship with your customers is maintained, incoming payments are paid out to you on the same day.
This is what atriga stands for: the relationship with your customers is maintained, incoming payments are paid out to you on the same day.
atriga offers you, among other things, case-related communication via all communication channels, all payment methods for the settlement of outstanding receivables, real-time payment information for the continuation of the customer relationship immediately after receipt of payment.
You should get to know this!
You should get to know this!
Social media and online services
Globally active clients of atriga already use case-related customer communication via all communication channels, all payment methods to settle outstanding receivables, real-time payment information to continue the customer relationship immediately after receipt of payment.
You should get to know this!
You should get to know this!