Digital receivables management for the 21st century
The atriga research and development department sets standards in the area of innovations for receivables management.
Innovation from tradition
Already since the company was founded in 2003, the IT research and development department of atriga GmbH – atrigaLABS – has been developing completely new technological solutions, which, through comprehensive digitalization and the use of state-of-the-art technologies enables us to be particularly efficient and customer orientation.
The atriga receivables management platform, as a highly modular, multi-client capable infrastructure for digital receivables management, provides the basis for realizing even the most unusual client wishes.
The focus here is traditionally on fully digitalized, highly efficient technological solutions.
A large number of successful projects for clients from a wide range of industries not only stand for efficiency gains and cost savings on the client side, but also impressively demonstrate the expertise of atriga Labs gained over the years.
atrigaLABS - innovation partner of the future
For reasons of quality assurance, sustainability and speed of implementation, atrigaLABS develops exclusively in Germany. With highly qualified employees in the company and at the joint venture partner.
This ensures that atriga’s innovative lead can be permanently and internationally expanded and extended to other business areas.
Dynamic multi-disclosure-capable application review processes, accounts receivable management, comprehensive SaaS / white label solutions for the optimization of commercial dunning processes, comprehensive receivables management and collection solutions, development of individual app solutions, financial cloud services – the examples of successful and forward-looking solutions you should get to know are many and varied.